Feedback on the Sensory Modulation Resource Manual from different professional groups

The Sensory Modulation Resource Manual was published earlier in 2018 as an ebook and paperback. We have been getting some feedback from different people and professional groups about what they find useful about the book. We have had feedback from Nurses, Teachers, Occupational Therapists, Parents, Architects, Dentists, Non-Government workers and many others.


Clinical Nurses in Mental Health are finding that the book provides useful resources for using sensory modulation to reduce seclusion and restraint in the inpatient unit. This includes information on designing different spaces or zones within the inpatient unit for different sensory input (sensory spaces), suggestions for equipment for the sensory spaces and a guide to getting starting in using sensory modulation with a client. In June 2018, the NSW government allocated $20 million to improve therapeutic environments within mental health units. The Sensory Modulation Resource Manual is a useful resource for this project. 


Teachers are reporting that the Sensory Modulation Resource Manual is useful in understanding the individual sensory preferences of the children in the classrooms and tailoring strategies to the individuals. The section on calming strategies has been popular, in particular using the playground for calming. High school teachers and Guidance Officers have liked the lists of strategies to improve focus, and decrease anxiety.


Occupational Therapists:

Mental Health OTs are benefitting from the resource section of the book eg handouts on sensory modulation,  sensory kits, self soothing and strategies for anger and agitation. New graduate and student OTs are reporting that the section on getting started with using Sensory Modulation as an intervention is very useful. Student OTs are the ones who are purchasing the ebook in the greatest numbers (this is the cheapest option) however other OTs are preferring the paperback version.

There are increasing numbers of OTs in the physical and paediatric areas who are finding Sensory Modulation is able to be applied to their area of practice.


Parents of adolescents have been interested in the section on alternatives to self harm, developing sensory kits, substance use and understanding sensory seeking in adolescents. A number of parents are finding that their children are using weighted items and cold water to calm down.


Architects have been positive about the information on understanding sensory processing and the chapter on Sensational Spaces, and the impact that the environment has on changing how people are feeling.

Allied Health/Health Practitioners/Support Workers

The Sensory Modulation Resource Manual has been of interest to a wide range of people who work in the health field. This has included chiropractors, ophthalmologists, dieticians and dentists. Interest areas have included the information on the senses and sensory preferences, and strategies to assist the particular individuals that they are working with.

Sensory Modulation Resource Manual

E-book: available on Amazon

Paperback: available at bookstores including Barnes and Noble, Avid Reader, Book Depository, Amazon.

Reviews on Amazon:

"A fantastic resource and contribution to the field of sensory modulation and occupational therapy in mental health."

"Excellent practical book which brings together the neuroscience and strategies that work in practice!!"

 "This is an excellent resource for all teachers, counsellors and those in school leadership. It will open our eyes to adapting our enviornments to suit the diverse needs of learners."

Having a heavy dog sit on your lap can be calming!

Having a heavy dog sit on your lap can be calming!

Water can cool down a temper in the playground

Water can cool down a temper in the playground

Designing a sensory space - lots of ideas in the book

Designing a sensory space - lots of ideas in the book

Sensory Modulation Resource Manual